mark levin

"Because they won’t get their money back, Mark," one social media follower helpfully explained to the Fox News pundit.
The Fox News host suggested on his radio show that Democrats are itching for the dystopia of all dystopias.
One man pointed out that if a nationally syndicated radio show is “openly complaining about living under Stalinism,” then “you’re probably not, in fact, living under Stalinism.”
Barr's criticism of the Fox News host — on his own network — piled onto a day of condemnation for the conservative outlet.
The Fox News host turned up the volume to bellow his objections after Trump was indicted over his handling of government documents.
Pauline Bauer was sentenced to two years for her role in the insurrection, but the Fox News host gaslighted her lawbreaking on his radio show.
Twitter critics tore into the Fox News host for over-the-top praise of the former president.
The Fox News host said he links to every candidate on his radio show, but Trump supporters were already in a boil.
Ex-President Donald Trump's inability to stay on topic is on full display.
"The tougher they were, the better I got along with them," the former president said of world leaders.